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Why NSU Online?

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Welcome! Thank you for choosing to visit the NSU Online website. Your success matters to us, and we are here to help guide and direct you to achieve your educational and professional goals. Visit the 00NSU Online website often, as the list of online programs and courses is being updated on an ongoing basis.

NSU Online courses and programs provide you with the amazing flexibility to continue your education without being physically on campus. This can save you time, reduce travel costs, and fit nicely into your already busy life! However, it is important to note that these courses follow the same term schedule as on-campus courses, have weekly assignment deadlines, require regular and active participation, and present the same content as on-campus courses. Therefore, I encourage you to access all our services and ask any one of our NSU Online professional staff to assist you with your questions and concerns. I congratulate you for choosing NSU Online. Dreams start here! How far can you go?

Dorothy L. R. Jones, Ph.D., COI
Dean, School of Extended Learning and
Director for the Office of Faculty Development
NSU Online Toll Free: 1.844.266.4990
Direct Email: dljones@nsu.edu
NSU Online Email: nsuonline@nsu.edu
Virtual Meeting: NSU Online